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Archive for the ‘Emotion Regulation’ Category

Emotion Regulation 1

Friday, August 11th, 2017

Goals of the emotion regulation training.

Understand the emotions that you experience.

  • Recognize emotions (observe and describe the emotion)
  • Understand what emotions do with you

Lessen Emotional vulnerability

  • Lessen negative emotional vulnerability (Vulnerability of the emotional mind)
  • Create more positive emotions

Lessen Emotional Suffering

  • Let go of painful emotions through perception
  • Change painful emotions by doing the opposite.

Emotion Regulation 10

Sunday, August 6th, 2017
Changing your emotions by acting the opposite way
  • Do that what you are afraid of.. AGAIN, AGAIN,AND AGAIN.
  • Approach events, places tasks, activities, and or people that you fear.
  • DO things that give you a feeling of CONTROL and COMPETENCE.
  • When you feel overwhelmed, make a list with small steps you can do. Then DO THE FIRST THING ON THE LIST.
Guilt or Shame
When either of them emotions is correct for the situation.
  • CORRECT what you did wrong.
  • Say that you are sorry; APOLOGIZE.
  • FIX THINGS; Do something nice for the person you have hurt or if that’s not possible, for someone else.
  • ATTEMPT not to make the same mistake again in the future.
  • ACCEPT the consequences with elegance
  • LET IT GO after.
Guilt or Shame
When the emotions are not correct for the situation.
  • Do that what made you feel guilty or ashamed AGAIN, AGAIN AND AGAIN.
  • APPROACH these situations. do NOT AVOID.
Sadness or Depression
  • Do things that give you a feeling of COMPETENCE AND SELF-CONFIDENCE.
  • AVOID the person you are angry at carefully, instead of attacking him/her.
  • AVOID thinking about the situation and person.
  • Do something NICE instead of something mean and attacking.
  • Imagine your SYMPATHY AND EMPATHY for the other person instead of blame.

Emotion Regulation 9

Friday, August 4th, 2017
This is one of the chapters I was having a lot of issues with to understand. I finally now get it on my third cycle of this therapy. Another chapter down.
Letting go of emotional suffering:
Pay attention to the emotion of the moment.
Observe your emotion.
  • BE AWARE of the presence of the emotion.
  • Take a step BACK.
  • MAKE yourself LOOSE from the emotion
 Experience your emotion.
  • Like a WAVE that comes and goes.
  • DON’T try to BLOCK the emotion.
  • DON’T try to SUPPRESS the emotion.
  • DON’T try to get RID of the emotion.
  • DON’T PUSH the emotion AWAY.
  • DON’T try to KEEP the emotion with you.
  • DON’T try to HOLD ON to the emotion.
  • DON’T FEED into the emotion.
 Remember: You are not your emotion.
  • DON’T ACT necessarily ONTO the emotions.
  • REMEMBER times that you felt DIFFERENT.
 Train yourself in loving your emotion
  • – DON’T JUDGE about your emotion ( you ARE ALLOWED to feel how you feel, IT IS OK)
  • ACCEPT your emotion RADICALLY

Emotion Regulation 8

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Emotion Regulation 8 is a list of things you can do as an adult that brings you joy.

The list in my book contains 176 things and I wont list them all here but I will make a shorter list because some things are just making me go like huh? And other things on the list are pretty much the same. So this will be a list put together with things from the list in my book. NOT my personal choices of what I like to do for myself that will give me joy.

  • Taking a bath or shower.
  • Collecting things (coins, stamps etc).
  • Going on a vacation, long weekend or just a day or an evening out.
  • Going on a date or spending time with friends.
  • Recycling things or repairing them so they can be used again.
  • Going to the movies, dancing, a party etc etc.
  • Listening to music.
  • Shopping.
  • Enjoying the weather outside while you take a walk or sit in the sun.
  • Reading a book, magazine, newspaper etc etc.
  • Meeting new people.
  • Cooking and eating something new.
  • Sport, that could be just any sport really.
  • Fixing your car, bike, motorcycle etc.
  • Dressing up to go out, doing your hair and make-up.
  • Having a relaxed evening just watching tv.
  • Thinking back on a nice day.
  • Swimming, skating etc.
  • Camping, hunting, bbq.
  • Needle working.
  • Singing in choir, playing on a musical instrument.
  • Making a gift for someone.
  • Making a phone call with a friend or family.
  • Driving around in your car, or on your bike.
  • Making pictures, writing poetry, painting etc etc.
  • Going out for diner, lunch or breakfast alone or with a friend.
  • Meditation.
  • Getting a massage.
  • Talking with friends.
  • Making jigsaws.
  • Doing/trying something new, a hobby or sport.
  • Doing volunteer work.



Emotion Regulation 7

Saturday, July 29th, 2017
Steps to increase positive emotions:
 Build up positive experiences.
Short term: Do things you are able to do right now
  •   increase the number of things that create positive emotions for you.
  • Do at least one thing. a day of pleasurable things that gives you positive emotions
  • Make a list of these things that gives you positive emotions.
Long term: Change your life in such a way that positive things occure more often. Build up a life that is worth living.
  • focus on your goals: Do more and more positive things.
  • Make a list of positive things that you want and set them as goals one by one.
  • Take small steps towards your goal.
  • Pay attention to your relationships; friends, family and loved ones.
  • Repair old relations (if not harmful).
  • Make new friends (mind your boundaries)
  • work on your existing relations.
  • AVOID AVOIDANCE. Avoid giving up.
 One day at a time, one step at a time.
Take notice of positive experiences. (even when small)
  •  Set your focus in the direction of positive things that happen.
  • Re-focus when you lose focus and your thoughts wander of to negative things.
Don’t pay attention to worries/sorrows.
Distract your attention from:
  • Thoughts about THE END of the positive experience.
  • Thoughts about if you DESERVE this positive experience.
  • Thoughts about how much more people will expect from you now.
  • Focus on now.
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