Emotion Regulation 9
This is one of the chapters I was having a lot of issues with to understand. I finally now get it on my third cycle of this therapy. Another chapter down.
Letting go of emotional suffering:
Pay attention to the emotion of the moment.
Observe your emotion.
- BE AWARE of the presence of the emotion.
- Take a step BACK.
- MAKE yourself LOOSE from the emotion
Experience your emotion.
- Like a WAVE that comes and goes.
- DON’T try to BLOCK the emotion.
- DON’T try to SUPPRESS the emotion.
- DON’T try to get RID of the emotion.
- DON’T PUSH the emotion AWAY.
- DON’T try to KEEP the emotion with you.
- DON’T try to HOLD ON to the emotion.
- DON’T FEED into the emotion.
Remember: You are not your emotion.
- DON’T ACT necessarily ONTO the emotions.
- REMEMBER times that you felt DIFFERENT.
Train yourself in loving your emotion
- – DON’T JUDGE about your emotion ( you ARE ALLOWED to feel how you feel, IT IS OK)
- ACCEPT your emotion RADICALLY