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Posts Tagged ‘Poetry’

I lied to you

Friday, August 4th, 2017

I lied to you,

When I told you that I love you,
And when I said I would for as long as I live.

It’s not true,

Because I don’t just love you,
What I feel is so much more then that.
There just are no other words that will do.


You are my soul mate,
I will love you always,
Beyond the stars and the moon.
And I will find you again and again.

Luna, (D.S)  august 4 2017 9:58 am


Like chocolate

Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

Like Chocolate

You look at me
With your beautiful
Deep brown eyes

In my stomach
Every time
Again and again

I melt
Like chocolate
In your mouth
When you smile

My heart races
When your voice
Meant for me
Reaches my ear

You touching my life
Leaves an imprint
In my heart
I never forget.

D.S. 23 march 2017 12:30


A moment in time

Wednesday, October 19th, 2016


A moment in time

It seemed much more but it was just a moment in time,
As brief as it was it was as well infinitely divine,
Like a magnet our souls draw each other,
Every day closer and closer to another.
The day I found you, the moment we met,
The words, and everything we said,
Are forever planted in my head.
Nightmares left where dreams appeared,
Along came new things that I feared.
I wished upon the moon and stars at night,
To feel your arms around me holding me tight.
Now months later everything went so fast,
I’m so scared that what we found won’t last,
Then and now such a harrowing contrast.
I’m still not ready, I fear, I have to watch you go,
Still I will love you until there is no more tomorrow.
I’ve given you my heart for you, to have my love, which runs so deep,
Just as I will treasure your love forever, what was once mine to keep.


10-19-2016 7:33 PM D.S. 

13 weeks and 5 days

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

13 weeks and 5 days pregnant now. I am starting to feel better everyday. I still keep bed because i feel a little light in my head still and still have the acid burn in my stomach. I feel very tired quickly too.

I have ordered and received 2 crossstitch kits which I am working  now every free minut I have. Its a great way to kill time and I will have something that reminds me of these days of my pregnancy other then my child ofcourse after its born XD. When I was pregnant from my daughter I started building a website about my pregnancy and everythign baby related basically.

That site turned out to a 60 pages huge thing and it was the most visited dutch personal baby website  arround  1998 -1999.  It appeared in a small article in a dutch magazine for computer stuff and ofcourse it received tons of visitors in that period. After  a couple years I took it down. I still ahve all the files and pages ofcourse, so perhaps I could add a category at some point where I repost those  pregnancy diary stories. They where quite populair to my public at that time. Other then the pregnancy diary Ofcourse the site had a lot more to offer. It was arround that time not so easy to find cute lil animated babyimages. So I started to collect them and ofcourse posted them on my site for others to use on there pages. We had an award site, poetry. music, recipes, games and ofcourse after my daughter was born  the pictures and more stories about her daily adventures.

Right now I dont feel like doing the same kind of thing again. I allready did it right? so I’ think I’ll keep it to my blogging about it here.


Lieve Wereld,

Sunday, November 1st, 2009

Lieve Wereld,

Als ik dood ben gegaan,
Laat er dan vrede zijn,
Alleen geluk en geen enkele haat.
Het lijkt me zo fijn.

Als ik niet meer leven kan hier,
Blijf dan lachen, wees vrolijk,
En maak dan plezier.
Het lijkt me zo heerlijk.

Als ik zo dood ben als een pier,
Laat dan geen mens, geen mens, geen dier,
Ooit nog z’n leven doden.
Het is dan door mij verboden.

Als ik niet meer leven zal,
En de rust is hier gekomen,
Denk dan aan mij.
Het zijn mijn liefste dromen.

Written before 98 unknown excact date by D.S.

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