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Posts Tagged ‘Wentelteefjes’

Don’t throw away old bread! Make wentelteefjes instead!

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Wentelteefjes is also known as: Sop in the pan and French Toast. Instead of tossing away bread that’s not fresh anymore, you can make a delicious brunch out of it for yourself, or the kids, for lunch or breakfast or maybe even as a dessert if you add some fruit.

I was thinking what to eat for breakfast/lunch and realizing my bread is not really fresh anymore. Then I remembered my mom made wentelteefjes sometimes.. I realized that its a great tip to put on my blog. I know most people know French Toast, but I also know that just like me, many people easely forget about it and just toss away there old bread or take it to the duckies in the pond (I myself do that often :))

For those who don’t remember the recipe, I put it right here for you to use!

What you need for 4 slices:

  • 4 slices of old/dry bread.
  • 1 large egg or 2 small ones.
  • 1,5 dl milk (150 gram).
  • a full tablespoon with sugar.
  • butter or margarine to fry in.
  • cinnamon mixed with sugar to use as topping.

And thats all the ingredients, most of us have them usually in the kitchen already so lets get it done.

Before you start here some tips to take with you so you don’t end up with a messed up lunch XD.

It takes up to about 15 minutes to make 4 slices. If you want to make more then 4 slices of bread then you may want to either make more mix in a mixing can and pour it from there in the soup plate or make your mix again and again for more because the recipe is  measured to fit in a deep/soup plate. Make sure you use enough butter to fry in, else the wentelteefjes will stick to the pan and can burn easely. Don’t let them get cold but eat them right away and do your dishes later, you will regret it  if you have to eat them cold o.o;.

Ok lets get it over with now and make those wentelteefjes.

Mix in a plate (or can) with a cooking whip or a fork, the eggs, the milk, and the sugar till the sugar is all melted.  Let a spoon with butter (margarine) melt in a pan and take the pan off the stove. Put one slice of bread in the deep/soup plate filled with the egg-mix. Count till 3 and turn the slice of bread around.  Put your pan back on the stove and carefully put it in the pan. The heat of the stove should be not too high and fry the wentelteef gold-brown. Turn it around and fry the other side as-well gold-brown. Now take a normal plate and let the wentelteef slide from the pan on the plate. Last but not least pour some of the sugar/cinnamon mix on your slice and you are ready to eat :). Repeat the above for the other slices and your brunch/lunch.snack is  done :).


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