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Posts Tagged ‘Pancakes’


Saturday, September 8th, 2012

September 23 is Neighbourday here in Holland. On that day people organize all kinds of  fun stuff to do in their own neighbourhood. Those things can vary from planting trees to drinking a cup of tea together or a workshop to make cupcakes. Ofcourse community centers organize all sorts of things too and so does the community center where I am a volunteer at. I decided it would maybe be a fun thing to go decorate cupcakes at the community center and give the neighbours a chance to have a go at it as well. I would have cupcakes ready to be decorated and all colors of fondant to be used with the tools they need. I would have a little book with ideas and how-to’s and ofcourse offer the neighbours my own unlimited wisdom to help them create the most cutest cupcake ever. Since This would be a lot of work for just one person, I asked some help from a friend who comes often at the community center. She is way further with the whole cake and cupcake decorating thing as me so I was sure she would be a good choice to ask to help me. She liked the idea and wanted to come help, while discussing the plan it changed  arround completely. I turned my idea over to her and she was going to do it with another friend. I am perfectly fine with that, the problem is, what am I going to do then at the neighbourday celebration at the community center? After some brainstorming with a coworker and my husband we came up with another fun and delicious idea.  Lets have a little pancake house! And I will call it: “PANCAKES, IT IS!”

Since this too will take some work and would be maybe a little too much for just me to do, Antonio will help me and I will ask my daughter as well to help out if she is arround. So now I got to make a whole new plan and to do list. I am going to need to make a menu card with a price list, I am going to have to make a shopping list and gather a few recipe ideas. and then “PANCAKES, IT IS!” will be a fact. Soo what pancakes will be on the menu? Pancakes Naturel,  Pancakes with apple, Pancakes with bacon, Pancakes with cheese, and Pancakes with bacon and cheese. At the table the guests will find syrup, chocolatepaste, jam, powder sugar and butter. Maybe we should sell a glass of milk with it too. Hmm I got to brainstorm some more about this. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not trying to make money out of this. I just want to have fun and give other people a fun day as well. Though I do have costs to make, ingredients need to be bought and its only fair that everyone just pays a little bit for their fresh and home made pancake. I am not sure how much to charge yet I am thinking about 50 cents for a pancake naturel and 60 cents for a pancake with apple, 75 cents for a pancake with bacon or cheese, 85 cents for a pancake with apple and bacon, and 1 euro for pancakes with bacon and cheese. The syrup and other stuff at the table will be for free. well for a glass of milk I could charge 35 to 50 cents right? Well not sure about what they gonna have to cost yet maybe I’ll find a sponsor who pay’s for all of it then they are free for all :). Good idea no?  to ask the supermarket if they wanna sponsor me :P.

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