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Posts Tagged ‘painting’

12 weeks and 5 days

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

My day’s are still the same, all day in bed and feeling sick n all o.o;. It is getting a little better and I am not taking the medication anymore. My midwife told me though that I have to keep watching my weight. I lost about 4 kilos now ( 8 pounds) and thas quite a lot since I am very lightweight allready.  My weight right now is 52 kilo (102 pounds).

I am having a change of doctor because the one we had was a bit far away and the new one is gonna be much closer. Especially now I am not feeling well this makes me feel way more comfortable.

I keep looking at baby rooms but we can not buy anything really since we are also looking for a new apartment.  I like something neutral colored and just make the details in the room colorful and matching. I really hope it wont take us long to find one… Poor Antonio will have to do all the painting in the house and perhaps wallpaper hanging, alone o.o;. At least for as long as I am pregnant and I really want to move before the baby is born o.o;. Sighs well, I’ll keep you guys posted here.

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