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Posts Tagged ‘Dolce Gusto’

Dolce Gusto

Friday, February 1st, 2013

Through a testpanel that I have been a member of for some time now I got the privilege to test a dolce gusto machine at home for free.  The participants receive the machine at home together with a load of boxes with the coffee cups. We have tried out the machine and I had to say after we had some problems at first with the first use, the machine works pretty good. You can adjust the taste to your likes, there are plenty of variants and you can mix if you want :). I have mentioned it at my work in the community center and to friends and I have let them try my coffee.  within the time period of testing, I had a short vacation and my mom and her friend looked after my oldest daughter for a week in my house while we where still on vacation in Venezuela. So they got the option to test the machine as well. The idea is that we post our reviews and that way let people and nescafe know how we feel about this coffee and the machine and if there could be any improvements. At the end of the test period we get to decide wheter we want to keep the machine or not. If we want to keep it we can buy it for only 59 euro’s.. Thats less then half the price it normally costs in the store!!! I am rather satisfied with my senseo machine so I dont want to buy it for myself. My moms friend however who had the chance to test the machine as well while his stay in our house, he likes to buy the machine. So I am going to keep it and pay the 59 euros.

If you are really a person who can truly enjoy a good cup of coffee then you might want to consider to buy a dolce gusto machine. Its a good coffee in many tastes and variants and you can combine and make it as strong as you like.

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