Casa Jepie Makandra & Crea Bea
Since I am active as a volunteer at Casa Jepie Makandra I have been extremely busy. I am full of energy and plans but I got to watch that I don’t take too much on my shoulders. I am running the creativity group now there and I am, full of plans. I am collecting little projects every where from the web and work them out with pictures and step by steps. Then ill print them out and add them to a folder so I can present them there and people can choose from all those things. The plan is to eventually sell those items for a good cause. I’m thinking to donate the income to a community center in a poor country. This summer I will continue to translate and make a presentation of all the projects and to make samples of those projects so people can actually see what it is going to work out like. For now most activities after this week will be shut down for the summer but I keep going.
July 18th, 2012 at 10:58 pm