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Life, take it as it comes

We have to take life as it comes and not forget to give life to our existance.. because I’m guessing thats the best we can do to make our time worthwhile…

Why suddenly such deep and phylosophical words? Well Yesterday I got a call from my mom.. My stepfather who has been having serious health problems for like at least 6 years now is terminal…  After being taken to the hospital yesterday and talking with the docter who already had done a scan last week , they where told there was nothing anymore they could do. His last scan before this was about 3 weeks ago and there was no reason to come to such conclusion at that time.. and now barely 3 weeks later theres nothing anymore they can do. Not sure yet how much time is left for him

Ofcourse the first thing come to mind was that I have to go down there to help my mom… and support her but… Im 39 weeks pregnant and they live the other side of the country I would be more of a problem then a help right now…And i do need to think of my own situation too now.. I cant risk being at the other side of the country and the baby suddenly decides she wants to come… So I ahve no choice.. I cant go down there.. I called my bro and he will take care of everything down there, they will keep me posted as will I keep them posted ofcourse…

I would like to say lets hope for the best but that  is unfortunately not an option..  I just wish my brother strength with this hard task and ofcourse my mom as well…  we will just have to see what path faith will choose….



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