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The Moving..

Well as you can tell maybe from the last post about my pregnancy…The house is still not ready.. We are getting there though… The livingroom is completely painted.. It needs one wall with wallpaper, the floor ofcourse, curtains and ofcourse the furniture and lamps.. but we are waiting with that till the floor is down.. We goign to order them at Ikea so theres not any waiting time for delivery either because ikea is just around the corner and they deliver usualy the next or even the same day :).

My daughters room is painted and wallpapered.. missing the curtains.. her bed Shes sleeping temporarely on my old bed because ordering her new bed would take 4 to 5 weeks to be delivered.. the flooring because we have to start in the living room with putting the floor down and then the hallway and then her room and the other bedrooms…

Anyways Our bedroom is completely painted too and just needs one wall wallpapered and the floor, lamp furniture and curtains… The bed including the matrasses are allready waiting for us in the storage to be brought upstairs and put to use :)…

The hallway is  painted and wallpapered  just needs  a nice lamp and the floor…Ofcourse we want to add a coatrack and a mirror n other small furnitures but those are less important and minor details…

Then last but not least.. The babyroom… Everything still needs to be done there… we just have the her bed and matrass ready waiting for her just in case.. we are using at the moment a drawer from my first daughter for her clothes and possible as a commode in case she comes early but we have everything we need for her to come into this world..  🙂

I have taken pictures from every room before we started working on them and I will post pictures when we are done working on them so you can see room by room all the changes 🙂 but that will be in time.. PATIENCE is a virtue hahahahaha…

Take care all!!


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