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Bargain Week

This week I ran into some luck when purchasing new items.

A few days ago I finally bought, after talking about it for months and several weeks of research doubts, more research and finally a decision, a digital camera.

A Canon Powershot A430 Now a few days later I still havent managed to make a decent picture with it. But then again, I didnt really took the time yet to figure the camera out and take advantage of all its possibilities. One day I am sure I will have a little home made video. And some other day I actualy figured out how to add sound. And finally I will have a cute little video with sound one day. 🙂

Anyway, to get back to the subject, After all that research I had a few options.. buy it online.. which would save me a few euros but would give me more risc because of the shipping and if something would be wrong with it then I would have to ship it back which would cost me more shipping costs and I actualy might end up more expensive then when I purchase it from a store. So I went out to buy it in a store right here in Amsterdam. The first shop used to have the camera but they where all soldout… no biggie.. there where two more options nearby. The second shop didnt had it. The third shop, a proffesional photostore told me it was an old cam and they couldnt even get it anymore… right…. Well I had to call it a day, me and my daughter where both tired after doing groceries and this no-luck-camera-shopping and it was nearly closing time anyways.

The very next day I went out again to another part of Amsterdam where the computer and photo stores where packed together in 2 streets. I would have there about 12 chances to find one. I went first to a shop i knew who had it but who also was a little more expensive then the others would be. Hoping it would be on sale or something.. but no, no luck. Then I went to my favorite computer shop where I also bought my new computer last year. They don’t sell cameras I found out. So next door to the next shop…. ops it was still closed at almost 1 pm. A few doors further was another shop where i had planned on buying it and where i was sure of that they had it. Tough luck… they where still closed too. Oh well accross the street was another little computershop and there was a chance that they had it. And YES!! they did… Unfortunately NOT in the color I wanted. The sales person told me I would just have to go accross the street again to buy it there.

It still wasnt 1 pm ( thats when they would open) So I went window shopping for just a little bit. Theres a cute little shop at the corner towards the Albert Cuyp market. They have the cutest things always, besides swarovski chrystal they have cute little ornaments and much more. They also had this time the cutest Owls statues. They actualy are piggy banks I found out later when I was standing inside the shop. They had a few sizes and only the largest owl had a pricetag. My mom is aboslutely nuts about Owls so I had to buy her one. I asked how much the other owls costed and they where really MUCH cheaper then the price tags said. I saved about 10 to 15 euros on that owl. That was my first bargain that day. After leaving a few euros behind and an owl richer i left the shop.

Back to my camera shopping. I went right away back to the other store I was sure who had it. They where about to open and I only had to wait a minut or so. After they opened the door I quickly looked arround and noticed they had the camera I wanted.. AND they had taken 10 euros of the price too!! That was my second bargain this week.

Yesterday it would be the day for my third, fourth and fifth bargain. I had started to clean the deepfrying pan but as you might now they can get real quick very dirty. I looked online for the best ways to clean it after struggling for a bit. I found out that just a dishwasher tablet and water in the deepfrying pan should do the trick. Unfortunately.. I dont have a dishwasher.. and no dishwasher soap either. I left the little rack and the other parts of the deep fryer ( after taking it appart) in water with soap to weak of the oilrests and some water with soap in the deepfryer it self.

After school I would pick up my daughter and go buy ome dishwasher soap to cleanse it. I also needed to buy a miracle sponge (really its a miracle sponge and only needs some water and it cleans everything you thought you never could get clean again.) and some groceries. I had done some research online as of where to buy the sponge. Well the original ones used to cost about 7.95 euros per 2. But I had found simulair sponges from a different brand that only cost 0.95 per 2 sooooooo that was my third bargain!

We went shop in and shop out on the way to the grocery store because while we where on our way Ithought maybe I could buy a cheap new deepfryer then I didnt had to clean the old one at all!! But no luck, they costed more money then I wanted to spend. I did found a ironingboard for just 10 Euros! I decided I would go back there after I got my groceries and pick up that ironingboard. That was my fourth bargain!

At the grocerystore I got my dishwashersoap and all the other groceries I needed. I went back to the store with the ironingboard and bought it. Just a few shops further accross the street was another little shop that sells electronical goods that I had been in yet. As we passed the shop I saw they had frying pans. I let my daughter wait right outside at the door with my ironing board as I went in to find out what they costed. 10 Euros for a new princess deepfrying pan. This was definately my lucky day! 5 bargains! After paying we walked back home, my daughter tired but glad we finally would go home and me tired, and happy with a deepfryingpan under my arm and the groceries and a Ironingboard in my little shopping cart.

At home I sat down for just a few minutes. Got back up to clean the new deepfrying pan so it would be ready for use and use it then for diner. While the deepfrying pan with the new oil was heating up I put my groceries away. I was still exhausted.. but satisfied. This definately was bargain week and the best thing is.. the week isnt over yet, who knows what else I walk into.


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