My blog used to be my safe place even though its a public blog I felt always comfortable publishing my writings here. Lately however I have noticed certain people despite my attempts to IP block them still visiting my blog. I don’t know their exact IP and I have tried to block a whole country however somehow there are still loopholes there and I can still see people visiting from that country once in a while. I am just going to assume that it is them. My blog posts are at times extremely sensitive and especially these posts I would like to keep from being accessed by those people.
This limits me in expressing myself and I have decided to try to find ways to protect my posts by making certain posts or maybe perhaps all of them protected. I can do this in several ways. The easiest way would be a subscribers list. However I have an issue with my RSS feed that I don’t seem to be able to solve as of yet and I have no one anymore I trust with having a go at my blog and making sure that it all works as it should.
The last time I trusted someone with this I was grateful because they helped me tremendously doing something I don’t have the know-how for and might have screwed up badly which would have cost me my whole blog. However as grateful as I was a lot of things are not working anymore and this saddens me because I can’t fix them myself. One of those things is the RSS feed.
So unless I find a way to bypass that RSS feed and create a subscribers list other ways I am going to have to use one of the few other options I have. One of them is to pasword protect them. This would require the interaction from my readers to ask me at least once for the pw if I choose to alway use the same pasword. Another option is to add registered users to a list that I can make the blog post vissible to.
On a side note I still have not changed and worked on everything on my blog that I wanted and needed to because I got stuck at some points. A few other things I did fix such as my backups which are running smoothly now. If any of my readers have a better idea, just reply to this post. Thank you all.