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Physical pain and stress

One part of C-PTSD and the effects it has on the body is often not mentioned or seen as the lesser part of the problems I’ve noticed. This is the physical pain. I’m not sure what exactly causes it other then that your immune system lowers when you experience a lot of stress because that results often in bad eating habits and a broken sleep pattern.

In the last week a number if things that happened caused a lot of stress for me. My sleeping pattern was disrupted right away and my appetite changed just aswell even tho I’m.trying to maintain both in a healthy way it’s nearly impossible because the reasons that cause this are things I can not quickly take care of.

The adrenaline keeps me from sleeping and my hypervigilance wakes me up at the slightest notion if any form of distress when I do manage to falll asleep. This lowers my immune system and when the stress that goes to my stomach makes me feel sick to a point where I’m almost throwing up my appetite is almost completely gone. It happened in the past that I litterally could not keep the food in my stomach so when I feel like that I only try to eat a little bit when I’m at my best moments during such periods.

Together this is a perfect recipe to actually get sick and it worries me a lot especially now with this virus going on. I really can’t afford to get sick because I don’t have anyone bear to take care of things for me or to simply get emotionally worse and fall back in a depression which I feel like I’m balancing on the edge of for the last 5 months if not longer.

My daughter needs me to be a healthy mom who’s there for her, who’s strong and gives her a good example. I know that me battling this instead of giving up is a good example but I feel like she is missing out when these problems I’m dealing with get the best of me. That knowledge adds to all the things I’m dealing with already and these thoughts are not helping me to feel any better.

I’m bringing this up because this affects our/my total well being and mood even more. Being tired and grumpy with a lot of stress going on mixed with our/ my traumas creates a perfect cocktail to ruin even more in my life. Don’t dismiss the physical issues related to c-ptsd be cause they are a great influence on everything. I just wanted to bring this up because it’s often not seen as a very important factor of the problems we deal with.


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