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High standards

High standards should be about how you care for and about others and yourself and not being used to put other people down. It’s good to have high standards; Knowing right from wrong is important, Being good and kind to others is important.

That friend you just belittled because shes not as funny or as good as your other friends might have a whole lot of worries and stuff on their mind that they are just happy to finally be able to relax without having to worry about meeting anyone else’s standards. They finally let their guard down because they thought they could around you since you are their friend.

She may have a whole life behind her full of abuse, setbacks, struggles, and downfalls that she’s still fighting and climbing out of with very little support. She’s being told to make friends and get a support system when every person she gives trusts to make her feel less than worthy. You may have no understanding of this and think it is easy and you only have to try.

High standards should be about how you treat other people when it comes to your friends. Not about how good they are and what you can use them for. You should appreciate ppl for who they are and what they can and not make them feel bad for what they cant and who they are not.


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