The current situation requires new ways of dealing with things and this just shows once more how flexible we as humans are if we want to. We can find ways to make things work naturally because the first instinct humans have is to survive and that is exactly what we are doing right now. And to be frank and right out extremely blunt to you all crying about haircuts nail do’s and whatever more nonsense you think is more important than the life you have been given; we are surviving in luxury! Most of us that is.
There still are those that have fleed the wars in their countries and now live in encampments with little protection against this virus or even clean water and materials to live to begin with. They already were surviving with minimums and their chances to survive are growing lower per minute. We all can do something about this by stopping this virus. As we know now the virus travels while we travel. WE MOVE IT AROUND it doesn’t travel by itself. So, STAY PUT!
Take care of yourselves, your personal hygiene especially but don’t forget to get a fresh breath of air, cause we still can. Not all aspects are easy but the main point is to do what we can while we can and get our priorities right. For example in homeschooling. I don’t have an essential profession and I don’t work from home so from my point of view I have a “luxury” others don’t. If you work from home you will have to find a way to manage this while you also take care of your kids at the same time.
This asks for even more flexibility, from you but also from our children. Keep in mind that them not being able to do their homework always as they are supposed to do according to a schedule you might have gotten or made yourself is not as bad as your family tarting to have serious problems because you focus too much on the scheduled work than their well being.
We can teach our kids other values and lessons they don’t learn in school that actually teach them a lot of the lessons they DO get in school at the same time. I found my daughter’s problem-solving solutions very clever and this required progressive thinking. We don’t need to entertain them ourselves the whole day, they will be able to do this when we give them the chance to do so. They can take certain decisions.
My daughter is also helping me with cooking. This teaches her planning and math. It tells her how to take care of her self and what is healthy and what is not. She learns to organize things and patience. In school, she had a hard time learning to read the clock during math. With these new schedules I am letting her sometimes make a bit of her own planning but that required to read the time. So she has been really willing to do this now.
And last but not least, don’t be too hard on your self either. Look after yourself too and use your common sense. We are going to need each other, not only now but after this is over too. One person’s downfall may mean the downfall of many others with them. Keep in touch with friends, family, co-workers, etc but also try to create space for ourselves which in some cases now is hard with everyone at home. Make agreements with others on this and respect these new boundaries.