Humanity collectively refers to human however it can also refer to the virtue of humanity. Now let’s go to this last one. What exactly is humanity
“Humanity is a virtue associated with the basic ethics of altruism derived from the human condition. It also symbolizes human love and compassion towards each other. ” source:
Now looking at this perspective sadly enough there’s not always a lot of humanity to be found in humanity, how contradicting and a hypocrite is this?
When we look around us and start with the people close to us and how we treat those or how we like others to treat those, its easy to find humanity but when we look at what is happening to people who stand far away from us, whether it be in distance or just in culture, religion, race, etc we can see a huge difference there. Suddenly the humanity that was really high before drops really fast. Humans do not have so much understanding of others as we like to think.
Especially usually those more fortunate who have had less unfortunate events in their lives find it hard to bring up this humanity. Lack of understanding for others may be often lack of experience or education. But also fear, If we recognize another person’s suffering while we are not in such a position doesn’t that mean we should be helping those people? Of course, we do! And this helping begins with recognizing and accepting the reality of those people suffering. Even when you are not physically or even emotionally able to reach out and help those people, by acknowledging reality and not turning our heads the other way we already are showing humanity because we are recognizing another one’s suffering.
Often we can go further and actively reach out and offer in one way or another our support. This can be in many ways and forms. We can educate others and share ou knowledge and with that our humanity and care and love for another human being. Understanding that at any moment in time the table could be turned due to whatever disaster or change in the world that may take place is underestimated.
Then let’s take a step further and look again at these other humans suffering and place the face of a loved one instead of the face of all these strangers. Suddenly this changes the level of humanity we find in ourselves often with heaps. Much more effort will be done to help and support the other person.
Even when we ourselves are suffering realize and remember that accepting and acknowledging another person’s suffering does not change your own, it won’t suddenly become less or more it stays equal and that’s at the bottom base of humanity, equality and when we truly see equality humanity is born to its fullness.
Then I look at my social media and see posts from friends supporting all kinds of sources, organizations, and people far away from them often and strangely those people seem to fear to look near themselves and reach out to those near them. As if it is the complete other way around now and the lack of distance and differences between two people suddenly creates fear and with that humanity disappears just the same. People distance themselves from it then often.
What do I mean? Well, just look at yourselves, how many of you have reached out to a neighbor or the family across the street from us knowing they have some difficulties at hand. Offering them practical support or just empathy and showing compassion. In such cases, people often just rather judge then support unfortunately because then that person suffering from depression becomes a burden or even a danger because its negative. A lot do not care to put the effort to learn the story or gain the knowledge of what those people actually are suffering from and what this truly means.
And when they do not like those people for whatever reason the level of humanity sinks even further. Judgemental blaming, instead of compassion and empathy. gossiping, belittling, and pitty are more likely to occur instead of understanding that those people suffer the same as those that we do love and like. With the negative behavior being displayed they actually even add to those peoples suffering. and why, they do not get any better from it, do we? They don’t gain anything.
I would like to end my post with this because those who needed to read this and find a deeper sense of the meaning of humanity in themselves probably already have a lot to think about now with a whole world opening up for them. Thank you all for those who have come this far to read my post.