I hate putty!
I hate Chrystal clear putty and I hate slim, n all those other semi-liquid gooey “toys” our kids love to mess around with. Last Saturday we spend at Nemo, it’s a Scientific museum in Amsterdam full of scientific games and interactive stuff for kids to do. It’s fun even kids that are not geeks and nerds can enjoy themselves there. Every kid likes to play right? And science is everywhere.
So after this eventful day the kids got spoiled with a few gifts. One of them was slime that they can make themselves and another one my daughter picked was Chrystal clear putty. I know as a kid I live to play with that stuff too. Until it had dust hair n sand sticking to it of course. Which never took too long.
But now as an adult, I can’t stand those toys for the simple reason the drama you get from it when you get it in clothes and furniture fabrics. Like my couch… My daughter left her Putty on my couch n it left a big stain so that’s the trigger for this post. And my activity for Sunday evening and my Monday.
Well, I finally hopefully will get it completely out but I’ve already washed it 4 times. Soaked it in vanish twice, scratch as much putty off with my nails as I could, used rubbing alcohol on it and now it’s drying again. It looks like most of the spot is clean however I have one last trick to try if it’s not. For future reference, I will post my cleaning schematics of this stain in a separate post when I’m sure it’s clean.
My washing machine seems to be leaking now so I probably have to clean the filter again. Then I will clean the washing machine but first I need a nap while it dries.