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I really do not get angry easily but when it comes to my children, if you harm them I will become a tiger n can eat you raw.

Again and again, my daughter tells me things about when shes at her dads. Today too she was just sitting here in my house as she is sick and I kept her home. She’s watching funny videos and laughs a little bit about them out loud sometimes. It’s a pleasant sound. Not obnoxious loud or in an annoying way. I am playing on my Xbox and actually enjoy the laughter because it tells me she’s feeling a lot better.

Then out of the blue she sais mom, when I am at my dad’s house I’m not allowed to laugh I look up and ask why not. She shrugs, I don’t know, he gets angry when I do…. I get quiet, not sure how to respond to this because what she told me disturbed me and not even a little bit. I am angry. I can’t protect her against this….

There is a lot more background to this on things that happened in the past and child protection has put us on a waiting list. the organization that is in place that should be a go-to for me and her is incompetent and she has no therapist to go to either to tell those things to. so it’s just me against him as long as she doesn’t have a place to tell her story to except me. If I stand up for her it’s me against him and then im just the bad vile ex who lives in the past etc etc etc… I’ve been there n heard that before.

… so angry…


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