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Sometimes when I hav a great day like yesterday and even had a full night of sleep the night before without nightmares or waking up in a panic, I forget that my C-PTSD is still lurking in the background. I just woke up again for the so maniest time. I have woken up with panic attacks, from strange dreams and oveall high anxiety. I gave u going back to sleep now.

It was almost 7 am and at 7:30 my alarm goes so Ill try to relax n calm down and get ready for my day because today has just like yesterday a lot in store again for me. Yesterday I had a business meeting, and I cleaned out the storage I have upstairs in my apartment and today I have to cook with my daughters class in the community center with them and for them and a lot of other people from the elder home. I am looking forward to it I just wish I had felt better. At the end of the day, I have another appointment with Roos. I hope I get a chance to take a nap in between.

Tomorrow is going to be another busy day, I have to go to the dentist with my daughter and she has a short day at school. I’m planning to get a haircut for both of us too. Thursday I want to do some more cleaning and I have another appointment for training I signed my daughter up for. For Friday I have planned more cleaning and on Saturday I have a surprise for my daughter. Her lil friend who lives far is coming here and we are going to the science museum Nemo so thats a full day too. Sunday I have my volunteer work at the bingo in the community center and with that my weekend is full too. I try next week to slow down a little cause I am scared I get another heavy migraine.


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