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A migraine is not my most favorite thing to start my day with and despite me saying last night that I should slow down, I’m brainstorming about the looks of my new design which I have not really a plan for yet. I think I like to keep the background and the transparency of the blog tiles. The text color in green does well on the background but this is not something I hang on to too strong. Furthermore, I would like to create a new logo/header.

I have been thinking about speaking in my posts and add a voice file to my blog posts. Maybe just for my poetry. I don’t know I have to think about this. I do not like the idea of a video blog. Not only because I don’t like to see myself really that much but also because of the space it will take up. I know I can use youtube but I like to stay in full control of my blog hence why I have my own domain without any ads instead of a free hosted blog.

Free hosted blogs usually have a lot of limitations and my creative mind needs all the freedom it can get when creating my own blog. And as I mentioned before my blog is add free. I never wanted adds on my websites because not only do they interrupt with the design, I don’t want advertisements on my pages that possibly could be from companies that I don’t want to support for whatever reason.

Ugh, so much my brainstorming for now. My migraine is getting worse and I am going to take a forced break.


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