Mental diet
A physical diet has an effect on your body and your body doesn’t see the difference whether your unhealthy snack came from the neighbor, a restaurant or if it’s homemade so in order to successfully maintain that diet one should not snack unhealthy no matter where it came from. The same way it works when you are on a “diet” for your mental self. All unhealthy coping is affecting the healing process. This is necessary information you can’t ignore if you want to heal.
True healing starts when you first are dead honest with yourself and then to others. Courage also begins with honesty and dang don’t we need a lot of courage to heal. Continuing your unhealthy coping in another environment at first may feel better and different but the result is going to be exactly the same.
So feed your mental self with different input like exercise, nature, gardening, art, simply the freedom to be you without depending on others for your happiness.