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Enchanted travels

I did it again, I booked another little trip. I am not going to reveal yet where the journey will take us but I can assure you it’s going to be magical! As a little girl, I often dreamed of this. I remember telling someone, I think last year, about this little dream, that’s how much it meant to me.

Growing up many of my dreams like these disappeared like balloons in the sky. Some popped rather quickly others a little later and some were blown away by the wind never to be seen again. Because I am someone who makes things happen, some of them I have found back when I went searching for them. Just like this one.

My healing journey is just as enchanted as the place where my travels will go to. With all its ups and downs I do realize how magical this journey full of discoveries is. Even when not everything on my healing path has been a joyful experience, rather the opposite, I can’t deny the magic of it.

I know on this small trip I too will meet obstacles and difficulties but I know I will get past them and will be able to enjoy this trip or at least large parts of it. I may reveal more of this dream come true as the day of departure comes closer. Safe travels everyone!


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