Personal Cleansing
My focus this month is set on me, me and my little family. I have reached out to others, I have sought and asked for support and tried building up friendships. Most people have let me down and now with the ending of my relationship I have chosen to keep to myself for now.
This is the only source of the outlet I have for now where I post to reflect my thoughts and share what is on my mind. This is like my own personal fasting and instead of limiting myself in what food I eat, I am limiting myself in what contacts and information I feed myself. For at least 30 days
I don’t want to be used for others who are not available for me or a database of information and the one that has an answer for everything. Especially when it is about things that really do not matter that much n could have been shared with anyone when you can not even ask me how I am doing without your own agenda in mind.
I will have a good look at myself in the mirror and work with what I see there. I hope to be able to change my self-image and improve my state of mind with that. I am worth having as a friend and its time to be my own friend.