CBD oil
I am still using the CBD oil at least two dose a day of 5 mg and its going ok. I know I am alowed to take more but I’m hesitating because of side effects always having such a big grip on me.
I noticed although I can still get really emotional and anxious I do believe the grip it has on me is less strong and the anxiety attacks are less heavy although they do surprise me more easily now.
My migraines are getting less and actually this week while on my moons I surprisignly had no migraines or headaches at all.
I am going to up the intake of the capsules with one more dose of 5 mg. Right now I am takign a dose in the mornign and one in the evening. I will add another dose in the night when I wake up. I say when because that is still somethign that is guaranteed to happen.
The only drug that can cure most is love and unfortunately I can’t buy that in a bottle. :(.