Weaknesses and karma cards.
Someone told me today: ” A person shouldn’t use their weaknesses as an excuse for their actions.”
On another note, a consequence for having to be too strong for too long can be depression. Let that sink in before you force ppl to be stronger then they are.
I won’t get into an argument or discussion with this person for personal reasons however it has brought me a lot of thoughts and wanted to reflect on it anyway. I trust this media, (my blog) to be a safe place to discuss what I want to discus provided I’m keeping this person and the situation anonymous and private.
A persons weakness can be many things, this can be an addiction or a handicap, it can be an illness of many kinds, mentally or physically, temporarily or permanently. And often those things are overcomeable. There are however weaknesses that ARE valid excuses why someone is not capable of doing something. So these words are a little harsh and easily spoken without being well thought through. In certain situations, I believe it would serve the person well who spoke those words if they would be gifted with compassion and understanding for others.
A reason is a cause for some circumstance. An excuse, on the other hand, is a reason given to escape the consequences of a circumstance.
Some consequences are extremely harsh looking at the things that caused it. “That’s life” some will say where others will look at the consequences and realize that this person already is dealing with more than enough consequences by the suffering they are undergoing from their actions or the reasons of their actions. Adding more consequences by the person who felt he/she was aggrieved may be even called unreasonable and nothing more than torture and exposing of power and him or herself being unreasonable.
It all depends on the situation But in the end, everyone has to deal with the consequences of their own actions. Life is hard enough already without other people trying to make it harder for us and playing karma cards.