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Emotions are often received as being negative, causing problems and keepig you from reaching what you want, but the first thing you need to learn about emotions is that they have a use. Even better I like to think of emotions as being a gift. They tell us somethign about ourselfs, about what we need, it tells us that we need to change something or that we need more of something.

Each emotion tells us something different and they are often hard to define. because sometimes or even often they are overlapped by a secundairy emotion like anger. When we hurt a first reaction is often to get angry and fight the pain. When people asked me why i was so angry i often went confused. I wasn’t angry I was hurting why would people say I was angry I only understood after I started to look closer at my emotions.

When learning to understand our emotions and recognize our needs we also need to learn how to express our feelings or react to our feelings to receive what we need or at least understand what is happening and be able to respend in a better manner.

Its not our emotions that gets us in trouble, its our reactions. To learn more on this you could do research through google. I would but right now I dont have the patience and I am not sure when this topic will inspire me again to write something.


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