Use things, Love people.
Use things and love people, instead of loving things and using people. In this world of so many miljons of people we still only have a small group of all of those people that we hang out with, come in contact with and have to work somehow together with to reach certain goals. Wheter its getting food on the table or just enjoying eachothers company.
Sometimes it is ok to “use” other people when it is to reach a common goal but then it’s rather called helping each other instead of one using the other. When helping each other using a common goal both are satisfied with the results. Sometimes someone needs your help and you don’t need their help and just because you can, like them or want to you help them out. The other person is grateful and appreciates that in turn someday when you need help and they can they are likely to help you in return. This is how things should be in my opinion.
More and more I come across peopl who just use others for their own gain and don’t appreciate the other coming to help out at all. Even when they are doing excactly what they where asked. It’s not nice, its even hurtfull to me when it happens to me. So this is why I decided to write a post on this topic.
When I come to you for help on something after I have helped you out and you can’t help, no problem but this shouldnt be the case everytime. I have distanced myself from close friends for this reason. I am not a tool. I’m a person and as loyal as I am I dont like being used and I am not going to accept it anymore.