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So I bought CBD oil and I am starting right away. My anxiety is through the roof I feel extemely shaky up to a point where I am so stressed that I almost throw up without any particular reason really. Just anxiety and fears.

These on the pic below are the CBD oil capsules I bought. I choose these because the description on the package was easy to understand. I had read that the drops don’t taste so great that’s why I have decided to buy capsules of 5mg. They are small and easy to swallow and easy to take a higher dose gradually. They were voted as the best product of the year 2017 -2018 by the Dutch consumers vote so I assume it is a good product. Aside from that, it was priced down to half the price since the brand had a special deal on all of their products.

Above I have already stated how I feel; extremely anxious and sick from stress. I feel shaky and on edge.

2:44 PM I took one capsule of 5 mg. I honestly hope I will feel better soon and I honestly don’t care if that’s all just in the mind or seriously working. as long as I feel better it works for me. On a side note, the capsules have a very unpleasant smell.

5:33 PM I realized a while ago I started to feel calmer. still, worry and little anxious but the stress seem to have calmed out a little. I was wondering if that was just in my mind or because of the oil. I guess the long term use should tell. I took a shower and in the shower when I relaxed, even more, my mind went wandering to thoughts that would have easily set me off many times. I felt like crying but also kinda numb. tears didn’t come. An odd feeling I find difficult to describe. It worries me a little I don’t want to be less sensitive, I just want to be not so stressed and anxious and overwhelmed when triggered. Another thing I noticed is a side effect. MY mouth is really dry. That side-effect was listed. It worries me a little as well because with many medications I had the problem that my skin became extremely dry. I will update this post in some hours again probably.

8:10 pm I was feeling tired and started to nap around 7 PM but to be fair I’ve had a really bad week behind me. I’m guessing the oil may bring my hypervigilance down n that is prolly partly the reason I’m more relaxed and able to feel tired in a healthy way. I have skipped dinner but I did eat a warm snack. I updated my sweet bf about the CBD oil effects and he reminded me to drink water, which I am going to do. Just to make sure I stay healthy I will also make a sandwich now. ( Yes, lol and eat it ) So far it looks the CBD oil is working. I hope I don’t get to deal with other side effects. So far so good.

I slept more hours in a row then usually but I woke up earlier, which makes sense because I went to bed earlier. I did feel the effect of the oil was losing its strength in my body when I woke a little after 3 AM. However, I had my guard down and I got triggered a few hours later. My response to the trigger was okay. I handled it well but I still felt really bad. It is the first day of my moons so that does affect my wellbeing overall as well My back was really sore. I went back to sleep a little before 7 AM. The emotions of my trauma response had taken my energy I slept until 10:30 AM when a notification of my phone woke me up. I feel rested though again I’m on my moons and the back pain is bad and costing me energy.

I have questioned last night after I woke if I should have taken another oil capsule though I didn’t because I am trying to build it up slowly like suggested on the package. I will take my oil capsule now and hope it will also help against the pain in my back too.


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