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There’s a lot people can say about me, good things, bad things. I am far from perfect. But I do live up to certain standards, values and morals and I expect people who I asociate with to have the same values. And treat me with the same respect. I don’t lie, I don’t cheat, I’m loyal and I won’t try to hurt you on purpose for the sole purpose of hurting you. I will try my best not to hurt you anyway. But as I said I am far from perfect, I make mistakes and run my mouth before thinking, when I talk about my feelings you may not always like it, but I am honest. Morals and values are closely tied with integrity and stands or falls with how you behave when no one else is watching.
I can go on and on about why you should be honest and truthful especially to your loved ones not only because you hurt them but also because you hurt yourself and you are fooling yourself more then anyone to think it doesn’t matter because they don’t know. Honor yourself and others just by having that much self-respect by not throwing your integrity overboard just for your own benefits. When you make mistakes in up to them and fix your mistakes if you can. That being said, other peoples expectations are not your responsibility as long as you do what you say and be who you say you are. Or else you will hurt others by allowing them to build false expectations of you. Its normal to have certain expectations from other people. For example when you go buy a bread, you expect the sales person to be respectful and honest and not charge you more then he should. You expect from your friends and loved ones not to hurt you purposely and to be honest with you. You expect your lover not to cheat on you and betray you with others and with lies. Those expectations are fairly normal and are expectations you should are allowed to have of other people.

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