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Healing from C-PTSD

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Part of the healing from complex trauma requires healthy connections, healthy attachment. The skills that traumatized people are missing are missing because things went terribly wrong in early relationships. That especially includes relationships with parents, and family etc when they where very young, thus a different kind of relationship is required to master them now. The neglect, abuse, betrayal and just plain ineffective environment of your earliest relationships have caused you to develop C-PTSD although one might not be as vulnerable for it as much as the other. It is in the context of a different kind of relationship that you can identify, understand and ultimately heal the impact of your early experiences. Its all in the thought of how we are perceiving things and that simply differs from person to person.

Healing from complex trauma requires the development of skills and capacities such as affect-regulation, staying present with feelings instead of dissociating, self-soothing, and the ability to love oneself. Linehan or DBT does teaches those skills.


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