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Farewell 2016, Welcome 2017!

2016 Was a year full of changes, a year of moving forward, a year of not looking back. A year of healing, a beautiful year full of personal growth. A year of goodbye old ways and welcome to new ways. A year where I learned a lot. Full of tears, out of pain but also happy tears. A year full of battles and victories. Of course my divorce but also finding my soul mate where huge things. Then my healing journey that continued after a short break in February and March and that continued again in April. The water protecting with the water ceremonies and the protests at the ING bank. A year I have been grateful for. And to end this year respectfully I have used this last day to do something that’s totally me. I have been baking and giving away the treats I made to friends but also brought a dish to the homeless. The best gift to receive is the gift of giving where you don’t receive anything but the pleasure of giving. Something I love to do.  So with melancholy but also joy I like to say farewell to 2016 and thank you for all your lessons and everything you have brought me.

Afbeeldingsresultaat voor farewell 2016


The ending of 2016 is not just an ending, its also a start of a fresh new year. So be welcome 2017. A year where I will continue my healing journey and personal growth. A year where I will leave even more of my past behind that still haunts me. A year full of new chances and possibilities where everything is possible again. A year that I look forward to but without a doubt will be another year of many battles and victories. A year I don’t fear to walk into, for my courage has grown by leaving a lot of fear behind thanks to my healing in 2016. A year that I wish to bring you all  lots of luck and good fortune, but foremost good health. Happy 2017 everyone.



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