Happy Holidays
While I was celebrating my xmas morning with the kids I felt grateful for all that I have, my roof over my head, food, warmth, water, my children, my health and my friends and family and I couldn’t help but also think about all those people still in war zones like Syria. I couldn’t help but think about all the refugees who fled their country and are living in refugees camps with their lives or whats left of it on hold for uncertain amounts of time. But also closer to home, my thoughts go out to those who suffer daily from traumas and invisible pains. I couldn’t help but think about all those who live in hunger and fear. My thoughts go out to those suppressed, discriminated and mistreated. And last but not least my thoughts go out to those who cause and have caused all thee pains to other people for they need love just as much if not even more. My Christmas wish this year goes out to them and their families. <3