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Fear and anxiety

I’ve decided to do a little study on fear, hoping it will help me coop with my anxiety attacks better when I have a better knowledge and understanding of whats happening with me and why. Some of the info came from wikipedia pages others from my own experiences and others.

Fear is a feeling induced by perceived danger or a threat which causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behavior, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events.  The fear response arises from the perception of danger leading to confrontation with or escape from/avoiding the threat (also known as the fight-or-flight response), which in extreme cases of fear (horror and terror) can be a freeze response or paralysis. Fear is a result of learning by experiencing or watching frightening events/accidents.

In humans and animals, fear is modulated by the process of cognition and learning. Thus fear is judged as rational or appropriate and irrational or inappropriate. An irrational fear is called a phobia. Irrational fear is caused by negative thinking which arises from anxiety.

Fear is closely related to, but absolutely not the same as the emotion anxiety, which occurs as the result of threats that are perceived to be uncontrollable or unavoidable.

Anxiety are sudden periods of intense fear that may result in sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, numbness, or a feeling that something really bad is going to happen. The maximum degree of symptoms occurs within minutes. There may be a fear of losing control or chest pain. Anxiety attacks themselves are not dangerous.

My personal anxiety attacks might be but are not only triggered by experiences from my past. A traumatized person like me can develop fear that can not be explained by past experiences directly. Example I have developed claustrophobia’s which can lead to anxiety attacks aside of the Phobia. I first came aware of this after I was past my 40’s. Before that experience I have been in such situations before but did not experience any anxiety or fear. The phobia lead to an anxiety attack.

My anxiety attacks come from overthinking/worrying about things that have yet to happen or might  happen or possibly can happen if all the elements of my thoughts occur as thus. Which rarely will happen like that but I scare my self so much with the thoughts of what can happen that it results in a anxiety attack. I have learned several techniques to overcome a anxiety attack but sometimes these  don’ t have much effect and the best is just to sit it out sometimes and keeping in mind it will pass just like it has  before.

My triggers for an anxiety attack are; fear of abandoning, rejection, not being cared for, not being loved, not  mattering, not being taken seriously etc etc…

I want to leave it at this for now. Take care and thnx for reading


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