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The climb

What climb? My climb to a new future is going to be a struggle, I knew it was going to be but I’m not scared. Yes I worry, I would be stupid not to worry. I have to stay on my toes for this one. My requested social care income has been denied.. with little money standing in my name I have no idea where they get the idea that my current bank saldo is too high.. I have 2000 euros in my name and when the bills come in I have nothing. Are they seriously going to wait for that? because  the social care income request can take up to 8 weeks. So by the time I get money I be 2 months behind on my rent and the other bills and me and my kids probably are starving by then because we have no money for food. One way to make people end up in debts. Further more I can’t request my taxes refunds because my divorce has not been requested at the court yet. That’s number two. Number three, its going to be a issue to get a parenting plan with my ex but finally I have the requested instances participating and helping on this. Which was a struggle on it self also.

And that’s whats most important, that my children are not gonna end up on the bad end of this. My Daughter has 2 parents a father and a mother and she has the right to love both of them and has the right to have both of them in her life. What I think of my ex does not matter  when it comes to that love. As long as her safety is not in danger. And that’s whats the most important thing. I have a lot of worries here, Probably because of the struggles I have had with my other child’s dad long ago but there are other reasons too which I prefer keeping to myself at this point. There’s no good reason to throw with mud on this medium aside of that, I’m better then that.

update 21 february 2017:

After a lot of issues getting everything taken care of, without the help from the instances that I requested help from and with some issues with my attorney who I had to explain and mail the parenting plan three times to, my divorce was finally send to court and this month on february 13th I received an email from my attorney that the divorce has been spoken out by court. To make it final my divorce has to be de-registered at the cityhall and then its all done and can I finally move on with my life. My finances are stabilized but in poor shape with lots of end of month left at the end of my money now. With my divorce done I can finally request the support from taxes with my bills that I desperately need. But I am happier then during my marriage.




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