Just A Little Thinking
Just a Little thinking,
I raise my head and look right up in the sky
There are stars blinking, up and above, very high.
They’ve made me think about something,
they’ve made me think about almost everything.
About my live, my future and my past,
The time is going so very fast.
They’ve made me almost crying,
But I’ll keep on trying,
to see the beauty of live
and forget the pain, from that knife,
The knife that has hurt me deep,
the pain that I feel, no matter if I’m awake ore asleep.
I’m trying to put that feeling apart,
yes I’m trying very, very hard
And get the strength to compose a laugh.
The laugh that I almost always have.
Because that’s what my live is about,
always laughing out loud
No matter what happens to me
no one will and shall ever see,
That I’m crying, deep down inside of me.
And no matter what I try,
that feeling is always standby.
21 december 1997 D.S.