I still hear people say all the time how strong I am. But am I truely? And if so do I have much choice? Surviving comes naturally. I assume this strength is hard to measure if at all. And although its meant as compliment and looked at as a virtue that I have this so called strength, it bothers me because I shouldn’t have to.
Today I was confronted with things I thought I had forgotten about. I was able to put it aside me and look past it. That tells me my therapy and my learned skills have effect. Does that mean I don’t have to be strong anymore? No it doesn’t. I doesn’t mean I have suddenly the backup and the base I needed to not end up like this. Because although it was not something I asked for.Alot of problems I ran into that have added to my C-PTSD where part of my choices that I have made. I can not possibly blame the whole world for all my pain and sorrows.
We have responsibility our selfs as well. Just like I have now the responsibility to overcome this and see this through to a good ending. It’s not over till it’s over.