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What if I am right, then what?

Many times it has occurred to me while I have therapy and just in conversations with others that when being a traumatized person, it is very easy for everyone to blame a lot on that person’s (untreated) trauma’s.

For example, people who are traumatized can develop an higher alertness that becomes naturally to them. Also they can become extremely sensitive to all kinds of things.  This means a higher allert person notices more then other people and thus responds in whatever way also more to these things.

Another thing to keep in mind here is that not everything that has been seen/noticed by this traumatized person is always how they are perceived. Though they did develop that higher alertness, their judgement can be flawed because of the trauma’s.

However that does not mean that a traumatized person per definition is wrong. This can make things very complicated, not only for the traumatized person, but also for the other people to trust this person’s judgement. Though it is too easy to say to that person that they are wrong and to blame it on the trauma’s. Being traumatized does not make someone stupid.

Once a long time ago a doctor told me a few things which I had doubts about. I am glad I trusted my own senses. When I look back now I know I was right and that doctor very wrong. I proved him wrong. The medication he gave me for my depression was making my situation worse. And instead of following his advice and taking more meds for the side effects, I cut down on the dose little by little and started feeling better every week. On top of that he had advised me not to quit smoking while I was still depressed. I quit smoking anyway back then and felt good about it. That made me prove him wrong twice. Then there was a third thing he advised me on. And again he was wrong. I am glad I did not took his advice for things could have ended a lot worse for me and possibly I would not have been able to type this now.

There are far more examples I can come up with where people don’t notice what I notice and don’t see what I see. Therefore my reactions may seem overly sensitive to the untrained eye, and I can be wrong and have been wrong while at the same time I have been right, since I did trained my senses to become more aware/allert however that often does not go noticed which is why it gets blamed on the trauma’s.

That’s why my title, what if I am right, then what? That too much is being blamed on the trauma’s is not only to cover up stuff they (the therapists) can’t fix, explain or answer, it’s also victimizing the traumatized person more, sometimes on purpose but also I believe because it’s such a grey area. However it does make it at least for me very hard to recover and gain trust in myself to begin with let alone in other people.

Just needed to get that off my heart because it bothered me a lot.


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