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Another Station

First of all,  I know, it has been a long while since my last post. I focussed on my healing journey first and of course that took a lot of my energy especially in the first few months. Then winter came and with that my everyday became more a struggle. I usually call it my winter depression. I am more down, have even less energy and just every struggle seems bigger then before. Now the sun is starting to show itself again, my energy level goes up as wel. Which is a good thing.

Though I still wake up with panickattacks, have trouble sleeping and when I do sleep, nightmares. The rest of my issues did not disappeared either but they became more clear and visible to me. And that gives me chances to respond accordingly to it/them. That’s the result of the stabilization course I just finished. The change is not big but I do notice changes.

Now I’m arriving at the next station. Again I went through the whole procedure at sinaii center to see if Linehan/DBT is going to be a fitting therapy for me. The advisors at the Sinaii centre came again to the conclusion that I am on the right track there. Now they also opted that I possibly have ADHD. However I can’t find myself in that. I will go through a test with them just to make sure. Another discussion that needs to be made in which Linehan traject I will take. I would like to go with the full day program with therapeutic creativity class. But they advised just the half day program. We will see. I am going to have to discuss that with my personal coach from the centre. I just don’t want to be talked into something I don’t stand behind.

So far the updates about my healing journey. Hugs!





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