The next step
Summer vacation is over. WE had and still have great weather but everything comes to an end. Kids are back in school. The youngest one her schedule has changed a lot. Last year she went to school at 8:30 and I picked her up for lunch at 12:00 to return her back into school at 13:00. Then at 15:30 I would get her home again. On wednesday school was till 12:30 and they had the afternoon free. Basically it was a lot of running back and forth which caused a lot of stress. I had to rush her all the time back and forth to school. I had to rush her to eat her lunch and if the weather was bad she had to go through the bad weather every time. When she came home at the end of the day she was tired and often moody. There was not much time or energy left to do something fun together.
With the new schedule I take her into school at 8:15 monday through friday and I pick her up at 14:00. They stay at school during lunch and when she’s home there is plenty of time to do something together. She still has energy and is less stressed from all the rushing and going back and forth. They eat lunch with the teacher and if the weather allows it they also play outside at lunchtime.
My oldest her schedule is finally taken care of too after some startup troubles because the schools administration forgot to change her learning profile after her choices.
And for me, well the title said it, My next step came along as well. Every friday morning I have class at the Sinai centre. My course for C-ptsd stabilization is just the beginning of a long road of healing.