Cleaning up my userlist
Everyone that wants to comment to my site have to register first. That is for a few reasons. In the first place I like to know who comments on my blog, after all this IS a personal blog. Secondly it filters out spammers a little bit all ready at fore hand. All comments that are being posted by my users are going through a spam filter. If the message passes the spam filter It will still not be posted to the blog automatically. I manually have to approve each and every comment on my blog. This so hateful and stupid comments won’t even make it to public and you wont be bothered by it and for me its easier to see all my new comments at one glance, and I am glad I have decided to do this because the number of spam bots registering to my site are enormous. The number of spam messages are large too and multiple by same registered users often. Most of those spammers that constantly try to spam my blog with unwanted and unasked for comments about Viagra, Weight loss products an other nonsense I simply block.
Since the number of registered users has grown so enormously that today I have started to clean up my users list on my blog site. What does that mean? It means I am simple one by one manually removing removing registered users that I suspect to be registered by bots. Spam bots are these called. Many of those I have all ready deleted but now I will try to get rid of all of them.
The reason why I am informing u, my user of this is simple. I am human and therefore I make mistakes. It may so happen that by accident I don’t recognize you as a person and delete you. I hope you will not hold that against me and come back to my blog. The removal is just that, removal and not a block so you can easily return and re-register. That’s all! Thank you.