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My Facebook, my family and my thoughts…

As far as those things that had upset me and that I needed to get my head straight about. I gave it some thought, I gave it a lot of thought. I thought about it when I was still in Venezuela, when I was on the plane here, when I arrived here and I am still thinking about it, yet I did managed to get things in my head straight enough to compose a post about it without letting my anger getting the best of me.

I don’t have the need to point at people just for the purpose to expose others, I just need to get it off my chest. Writing, I have learned, can be a very healing medium for me, composing a post about a subject in my head helps me to look at things from different perspectives. Other then a journalist who writes for a newspaper, I don’t need to be objective, as this is my personal blog, about me and my family and the things I like and want to write about. However, I do need to be correct, after all I am the one who has to answer to myself in the first place and further more I do not only write about myself but also about my family, like I said before. I have always liked writing, and have started in my life  many diaries, that I just was not competent enough for to keep at. At one point it even crossed my mind to become a journalist, I just never had the self esteem to go for it and it might just not have been the thing for me, so now I am just writing for myself and the very few that stumble upon my blog through a link I post on Facebook or by accidentally running into it after a Google search. Some of my posts are very long and too boring probably for other people anyway, and this might just be another one of them. And that is cool. Some posts I get reactions on and people post replies and that is cool too 🙂

This blog does not have many visitors, most of them are crawlers and spiders and bots from search engines. (They might actually be all the same thing, I dunno I’m not that much of a geek lol). The few visitors and readers that are actually people and read my posts, I hope I can present something valuable, something that can enrich their own life, in one way or the other, not necessarily because of what I write but because it may put them to thoughts that may help them to get the best out of them self. And what that is, only they truly know.

Getting tired so I will post a follow up tomorrow…


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