My Facebook, my family and my thoughts… Part 2
Facebook is an amazing medium that in many ways is very powerful. I could write up a list of all the ways and reasons why people use Facebook but that list would be endless and still incomplete, so lets not go there :P. Lets just stick with the reasons why I use Facebook, although that list can be stretched endlessly too if I want.
I use Facebook to play games on, I use Facebook to stay in contact with friends and family nearby as well as afar. I use Facebook to promote my cupcake workshop in the community center where I am a volunteer worker. I use Facebook to be silly, funny stupid and to get things off my mind. I use Facebook to share things, such as pictures and little updates in life about myself with friends and family and whoever else is interested. I use Facebook to learn about others and read about whatever they wish to share with me. I think that little list will cover most of it so I will leave it at that.
I don’t like drama, not in my life and not on my Facebook, I’ve had enough bullshit (excuse my french) in my life to deal with all ready and I’m perfectly fine without it.
While I was in Venezuela on vacation, I got a friend request from my half sister. I have never met her in real life as far as I know and I have only seen pictures of her and her two sisters that I found when looking them up on Google. After accepting her friend request She asked on my timeline if I was her half sister and told that she had been looking for her brother and sisters for a long time and would like to get to know us. I saw no harm in answering it and did not think I would bother my brother by answering her because my sister in law, I noticed, also had her in her friend list (I did not look that up, just Facebook tells u if you have mutual friends and shows profile pics of them right on top of the Facebook page.) I answered her question and replied to her post sharing with her some things I remembered as few as they are. We where both online at that time and we replied to each other time after time. She talked about her dad and I gave her a link to a post on my blog that I wrote where I posted some of my memories n thoughts about that part of my life. She still wanted to get to know me better. She’s not my dad and she’s not responsible for his actions or the lack of it and I told her that and that I would not refuse her because she’s his daughter.
At that point my brother posted on my timeline in a new post, attacking me about the things I said, according to him, I romanticized things, was being theatrical as well in the Facebook conversation with my half sister as well as the blog post from months ago. He called me a liar without any explanation. Told me he did not wanted me to write about him or be involved in it. He said it was wiser to not bother with them (my half sisters) because it might cause problems with their relationship with their dad.
My brother barely ever responds to the things on my Facebook, we are not that close and never really could get along well. I could come up with all sorts of reasons for that but that would make this story that’s already going to be long, a lot longer and honestly I would not know where to start :). As kids we where like fire and water and as a kid I did not expected that to change ever even when we where grown up, because well that’s because I was a kid. As an adult I think we should be able to restrain our self and talk with each other as adults. Accept each other for being different and respect that we both have different opinions. So basically, agree to disagree.
Pffff this post is getting longer and longer, I like to keep it short and simple but I don’t want to be blamed to have left things out or that I did not explained things right later on while also trying to get my feelings and emotions across at the same time without losing myself in them. I’m gonna take a break, will post a follow up later on or tomorrow.