About fairies and vacations
I finally was able to buy 4 hang vitrines that I wanted to have like 2,5 years ago. There is this site called Marktplaats.nl you can buy all kinds of things there used and new and even hire people for little jobs. Now this was the ultimate place for me to have a chance to buy these vitrines. I kept looking for them every once in a while till beginning last week. Having all my collected fairies being boxed up for like 2,5 years makes me so sad and realizing this year is about to end and to face another year coming up without my fairies made me decide to post my own advertisement at that site. Nah you don’t have to go looking, I removed it by now. But in that add I asked for 4 of these vitrines to buy. I expected to have to wait a little time. Every collector wants these vitrines for there collection. They are very much wanted, but to my surprise the next day someone responded.. they had 3 vitrines I had to think about that because I really wanted 4 because my collection is still growing and I am going to need to place the ones that are to come as well. So I was thinking about that offer for a day and then the next day I got another email with someone who wanted to sell 4! OMG that would mean my quest for the vitrines would be over! So me and the salesman started to mail back n forth about the condition they where in, the cost and when I could come to see and possibly buy them. That day was today. I asked my colleague if he wanted to help me by driving for me in his car to transport them. He was so kind to help me out and so no matter it was storming so bad that the weather reports had been sending out warnings, we went to get my vitrines. Right now they are home, standing in my hallway, waiting to be hanged. And I, I am so thrilled that I finally can unpack my fairies soon and look at my treasures again that had to go hidden in boxes for so long, I can barely wait till they hang…
On another note, do you guys remember that I won this city trip with spa&fruit? Well if you don’t, that’s okay, I still won them and still gonna go on this city trip. WE finally decided where to go and its going to be Budapest. Something totally different from what I had in mind and wanted in the first place but I am exited nonetheless. There are so many places I like to see and Budapest really was not on that list, but that would make Budapest the less likely place I would go visit if I get to go on another vacation (which I probably will some time). And THAT fact made it interesting to go visit Budapest :). We are going to book a nice 5 star hotel with a view onto the parliament buildings near the center of Budapest. Its going to have a pool, free WiFi and won a price recently for having such an awesome breakfast and that is included in our stay. We also are booking a tour on the Donau with a boat in the evening, and the transportation tickets for the whole stay there, so we can go wherever we want. I am so exited all ready though we are going to have to wait till the end of April 🙁 sob sob.
And then last but not least I get to make another cake for someone. That’s cool right? I will show pictures when its finished and presented to the person who asked for it.