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Going back in time

Like the title said I am going back in time because some people still don’t understand how to approach someone. First off, I do not believe in coincidence things happen for a reason, often those things are being manipulated and forced to happen.

A little while ago, to be exact August 12 this year I made a post titled “My Dad” Don’t ask me why I wrote Dad starting with a caps D but I just did without having a reason for it that I am aware off. For those who do not remember that post, here it is:  http://www.whisperedwords.nl/?p=1016 . That link will open in a new window so don’t worry you won’t lose this post unless of course you decide to close it.

So why do I bring this up? Well if you read that post by now then you know that i did not only wrote about my dad, but also about some stranger who approached me on facebook and send me a friend request. This person was connected with an ex of me as mentioned in the other post.

Now lets get back to the reason of this new post I am writing right now. I received another friend request from someone that I don’t know. This time it is from someone who is befriended with my dad !! O.o I don’t get those people, I don’t understand  why they are trying to connect with me through other people. If anyone has something to say to me and know how to find me then why don’t they just tell me. If someone else can befriend me or try to then so can they right? I really have a hard time trusting people like by default. Sneaky people like that just give me more reasons not to trust them and befriend them. Now I don’t know if that person is going to read my post and if they can read English or not, and I don’t care, this is MY blog and my thoughts that I wanted to write and post in English and I don’t want to have to write it twice and I am certainly not writing it for them, I am writing this for me as selfish as I am LOL. If they happen to read this then please tell me what are you thinking!? Why this kind of approach??

All right, so much for this post I wonder, what’s next?!? Or maybe I should say, who’s next???


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